Photographing my cousin's 5th birthday


My cousin Dina doesn’t usually request me to photograph her kids. I usually do it because I can’t resist. When Dina told me her daughter Carlisle was having a tea party for her 5th birthday, Dina made sure to tell me to bring my camera. She knew Carlisle and her 3-year-old sister Celina would provide plenty of unforgettable moments. An iPhone or a point and shoot wouldn’t do for this occasion.


About 10 little divas pranced around and learned etiquette at Tea with Mrs. B in Falls Church, VA. The ladies were dressed up and made up. Carlisle was her usual serious self and Celina always the free spirit.


Below are a few photos from the party. I don’t post photos of minors without parental permission, so only my cousins faces are recognizable.


One comment on “Photographing my cousin's 5th birthday

  1. Beautiful photos! You are correct… she looks like a very serious little girl, heh. But that’s good – a LOT going on in that little mind.

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